Codex Executor released 🙂 – No.1 Roblox Exploit
Codex executor is the #1 Roblox mobile executor. With the Executor get the smooth and fastest scripting experience.
The executor supports almost all Roblox games, so you can exploit any Roblox game. Get the script, paste it in the script editor, and execute it to unlock its features. Prior to that, a key must be pasted into the executor for it to work. Additionally, the developer releases a new version every time Roblox is released, so no worries. As a result of these features, it is one of the best Roblox executors available.
What is Codex Exploit?

Codex Executor is currently Roblox’s trending script executor due to its easy-to-use interface. Players who run the commands via the executor receive additional features such as fly, unfly, and flyspeed. Depending on the command executed, these features are unique to each game or script.
In the same way as hydrogen, delta, and arceus. The executor is also a part of the Roblox app and is loaded when it is launched.
Codex Overview
As soon as the Codex app has been downloaded and installed, all you need to do is open the app and select the game that you want to play and launch it. A large menu UI will appear from the left side of the screen where you can perform all the things related to the execution of the script.
It is divided into three sections within the app menu in order to make navigation easier. Firstly, there is an editor where all the scripts from third parties can be pasted and executed. In addition, there is a second option which is called Local scripts where you can save scripts that you can use at a later time. There is also a Global Scripts section, which has scripts that come directly from the Codex itself.

How to use Codex Executor?
How to Download Codex APK?
In order to save you from the stressful process of linkvertise, we have provided the APK of Codex to you. It is very simple to download the file by clicking the download button above, and then you can install it all in a matter of minutes after downloading it. However, you still need to get the executor key, which you will have to do by following the linkvertise.
In addition to being 100% safe, Codex is ban-proof. Although, it’s still recommended to have a separate account for it.
The Codex recommends using scripts from the website since they are safe and minimize the chances of an account ban.
It is necessary to have the key before you can begin exploiting Roblox scripts. It will be authenticated once you copy the key link and follow the steps.
The codex exploit can be easily updated. The first step is to remove the old version of the app and install the latest version of the APK.